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2019 Vol.35, Issue 3 Preview Page

Research Article

30 November 2019. pp. 341-360
The current study aims to compare the effects of a DDL approach with the effects of an explicit approach using concordances on the improvement of productive and receptive vocabulary knowledge and reading skills and to investigate the changes caused by the effects of the DDL approach over time. The study involved two groups of high school students from higher-level classes. According to the results of an independent t-test. DDL was more effective for productive vocabulary knowledge over the shorter term. In contrast, from the results of a dependent t-test, only DDL was effective for receptive vocabulary knowledge over shorter term, while both approaches were effective for longer-term productive vocabulary knowledge. Data analysis from a repeated measures ANOVA indicated that there was a statistically significant interaction effect between the two approaches and time. In addition, DDL was more significant for reading skills over a longer-term, and there was a correlation between vocabulary knowledge and reading ability. Implications for vocabulary instruction in DDL are discussed.
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  • Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
  • Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
  • Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
  • Volume : 35
  • No :3
  • Pages :341-360