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2019 Vol.35, Issue 2 Preview Page

Research Article

31 August 2019. pp. 185-197
In this paper, I accept the Reinhart and Reuland(1993), Reuland(2006)’s suggestion about the reflexive’s category and apply it to the Korean’s simple reflexives, complex reflexives in the Geldren’s reflexive structure. The Korean complex reflexive ‘jagi jasin’ is considered to be the unification of SE reflexive and SELF reflexive. Therefore, it is distinctively used as having the characteristic of two reflexives simultaneously. It appears as [NP jagi [N jasin]] that jagi is the D position of DP and jasin is the N position. In Jeonwitae(1996)’s pragmatic hierarchy, I suggest correcting his pragmatic hierarchy. Also, I suggest that jagi is not bound with the 1st pronoun antecedent, but bound with 2nd, 3rd pronoun antecedent contradictory to other professors’ suggestions. But even more, also, even if some sentences are the same structure, in case atomic verb has the specific lexical, semantic feature and is used by the specific mood, ‘jagi’ is coindexed with the 1st pronoun against some other professors’ suggestion. This means that the binding can happen by the pragmatic element: the mood, the point of view, or subjectivization.
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  • Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
  • Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
  • Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
  • Volume : 35
  • No :2
  • Pages :185-197